Troy B. Jordan
2 min readOct 16, 2021


Time is truly the only thing we humans can spend. We think we're spending money, but we're spending time to get that money. Time isn't created either, you can't schedule your life more time, only where that time is going to be spent. If one is to be frugal about anything, it should be about time. Careful how you spend it cause you can save it. This is the one thing all of us, from the working class to the elite, have in common. Time is constant throughout. So next time you spend time, think about how that time was spent and who it benefited. Most times than not, it wasn't you.

Either way, I don't recommend spending it by living in a van down by the river. Those Instacrap and Facebooger "influencers" are giving the wrong impression of such a life. I know cause I live it. We're just gentrifying the less fortunate out of their spots and onto the front steps of many towns across America. I see more encampments on the outskirts of the town turned from being safe havens for the homeless to grouping spots of RV'ers and Vandwellers. Those spots were once occupied as homeless encampments because of their close proximity to towns (aka society with its conveniences of provisions) but know the new wave of slightly more fortunate, but on their last string themselves have moved in and pushed out. A couple of slips on earnings, one unplanned emergency, and they too will be gentrified to another position.

We're simply becoming two classes. Haves and Havenots. There will be no middle ground until the teetertotter can balance. But no one is willing to give up anything they have, not even the unused.

